The Four Levels of Hospice Care

Hospice is comfort care brought to every patient, whether in a private home, a nursing home, assisted living community, residential care facility for the elderly, or hospice house.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has defined four types, or “levels,” of hospice care. One patient may experience all four levels, perhaps in just a week or ten days of hospice services. Another patient may experience one level of care over several months of his or her hospice care. Each level of care meets specific needs, and every hospice patient is unique.

What Are the Four Levels of Hospice Care?

Every Medicare-certified hospice provider must provide these four levels of care: 

  1. Hospice Care at Home
  2. Continuous Hospice Care
  3. Inpatient Hospice Care
  4. Respite Care

Learn more about each type of hospice care below:


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