7 Things You Need to Know about Advance Directives

Free Download: 7 Things You Need to Know About Advance Directives

Even though it might seem morbid or uncomfortable, making healthcare decisions in advance is the best way to make death positive and meaningful for you and your loved ones. These 7 facts about advance directives can help you understand their importance.

  1. They allow you to control your medical care if you can’t speak for yourself.
  2. They’re free; no lawyer is needed.
  3. Everyone over 18 should have them; you can update them at any time.
  4. They are a loving, responsible gift that takes a burden off your family.
  5. Your doctor is waiting for you to start the conversation.
  6. It’s a lot harder if you wait for serious illness.
  7. Planning for death does not make death happen.

A graphic showing 7 facts about advance directives

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